Angus & Osprey Publications

In 1991, when Angus was working for the Royal Armouries in the Tower of London, he was sent to Moscow, to help set up a museum with the Kremlin Armouries. the idea was an exchange - Treasures of the tower visiting Russia, and Treasures of the Kremlin coming to Britain. While he was there he was encouraged to do research into something - documents, translators and objects would be laid on. He chose the Russian Army of the early 18th century. When he came back he was approached by Osprey Publishing, to see if he could write a small book on Peter the Great's Army. He agreed, and it was finally published in 1993 - the first of two volumes, both beautifully illustrated by David Rickman.

That proved to be just the start. Since then, for the past quarter of a century, Angus has produced from two to four Osprey titles a year. These are small books, ranging form 15,000 to 25,000 words apiece, but each one is profusely illustrated, and contains specially-commissioned artwork and maps.  At the latest count Angus has written no fewer than 67 Osprey titles, and more are on the way. This probably makes him Osprey Publishing's most prolific author.

Below is a selection from the 65 titles written for Osprey to date.

Peter te Great's Army (1) Infantry

Peter the Great's Army (1)

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Russian Army of the Seven Years War (1) Infantry

Russian Army of the Seven Years War (1)

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Scapa Flow

Scapa Flow

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Pavia, 1525

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Lepanto, 1570

Lepanto, 1570

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Poltava, 1709

Poltava, 1709

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Renaissance War Galley

Renaissance War Galley

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British Motor Torpedo Boats, 1939-45

British Motor Torpedo Boats, 1939-45

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British Battleships, 1939-45 (1): Queen Elizabeth & Royal Sovereign classes

British Battleships, 1939-45 (1)

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British Destroyers, 1939-45 (2) Wartime Classes

British Destroyers, 1939-45 (2)

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Tudor Warships (1) Henry VIII's Navy

Tudor Warships (1) Henry VIII's Navy

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British Dreadnoughts, 1914-18 (2)

British Dreadnoughts, 1914-18 (2)

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Warships of the Anglo Dutch Wars

Warships of the Anglo Dutch Wars

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1.	Yangtze River Gun Boats

Yangtze River Gun Boats

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Raid on Scapa Flow, 1939

Raid on Scapa Flow, 1939

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Drake's Great Raid

Drake's Great Raid

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Pirate: The Golden Age

Pirate: The Golden Age

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Horatio Nelson

Horatio Nelson

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American Privateers of the Revolutionary War

American Privateers / Revolutionary War

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European Ironclads 1860–75

European Ironclads 1860–75

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Tirpitz in Norway: Operation Source 1943

Tirpitz in Norway: Operation Source 1943

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